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Zapraszamy na wykład prof. Felicitas Schmieder pt. "What do you know of the German East?" (1940/42). Addressing and creating medieval memory in image and text

Instytut Historii Sztuki UJ zaprasza na wykład prof. Felicitas Schmieder (FernUniversität w Hagen, Historisches Institut) pt.

"What do you know of the German East?" (1940/42). Addressing and creating medieval memory in image and text


Memories of the common Middle Ages have been used quite differently in Poland and Germany, and very often against each other. The talk will look at a period when Germans used the Middle Ages for legitimizing expansion to the East, against Poland or sometimes even ignoring Poland at all. Starting from a schoolbook "What do you know of the German East" - meaning, by German East, mostly Poland with the "truly German town" of Cracow - we will end at focusing on the contested memory and contesting monuments of Tannenberg-Grunwald.

Wykład odbędzie się 14 listopada (wtorek) o godz. 18.45 w sali 40.

Informacje o biografii i działalności naukowej prof. Schmieder można znaleźć na stronach FernUniversität Hagen oraz w Wikipedii.



Published Date: 07.11.2023
Published by: Wojciech Walanus